News Programs

Celebrating a Partnership with the John Jay College of Criminal Justice

On Wednesday, September 4, 2013, Bianca Van Heydoorn, the Director of Education Initiatives at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, along with Krystlelynn Caraballo, visited The Doe Fund’s dispatch center to thank the organization for the important work that they do with the college’s Prisoner to College Pipeline.

This innovative research program, an initiative of the Prisoner Reentry Institute, makes a college education accessible to men who are incarcerated at the Otisville Correctional Facility. In this partnership, The Doe Fund provides transportation so that students at John Jay College and the men at Otisville Correctional can attend monthly seminars taught by CUNY professors, an integral part of John Jay’s learning exchange.

“It is clear to us that The Doe Fund is filled with fierce advocates for justice who are not only guided by the mission your the agency, but also by the larger vision of a community that provides opportunity for people who seek to redirect their lives,” writes Ann Jacobs, Director of the Prisoner Reentry Institute.

The Doe Fund is immensely proud of the work that our transportation arm carries out in conjunction with the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and we are thrilled to have such inspired allies in the mission to break down the barriers to opportunity that incarcerated and formerly incarcerated men and women are facing every day.

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